Fall Veggie Garden To-Do List!

Your vegetable garden will need special attention now that the season is changing. Make sure all frost-sensitive plants are completely harvested before the first frost. If you are eager to extend the harvest you can cover plants with a blanket on nights when frost is predicted.

Now through mid-October is the time to plant garlic for harvest next summer. Start with a top layer of compost, then plant individual cloves of seed garlic about four inches apart and two inches deep. Cover the bed with three inches of chopped leaves or mulch straw. You will see the tiny green shoots emerge in early spring!

For a great compost try All American Mushroom Compost with Organic Matter. It is excellent for winterizing your garden and will increase nutrient levels in various types of soil, but can also be used for:

  • New Lawns: Spread a layer of Mushroom Compost three inches deep over area to be sodded or seeded and till to a depth of six inches
  • Established Lawns: Top dress in Spring and Fall with ¼” of Mushroom Compost
  • Flower & Vegetable Gardens: Spread Mushroom Compost 2-3” deep over garden and till to a depth of six inches prior to planting.
  • Shrubs, Trees & Evergreens: Mix one part Mushroom compost and one part existing soil. Increase to two parts of Mushroom Compost to one part top soil if existing soil is poor.

For the rest of the garden, clean up all weeds, debris, stalks and anything else left over after harvest. Throw away residues from diseased plants; compost the rest or rototill directly into the soil. You can then plant a winter cover crop such as winter rye or spring oats.



Later in the fall you can clean and oil your garden tools to prevent rust and put them away for the winter. Don’t forget to drain your garden hose! Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations when winterizing power equipment.

Remember, preparing your garden now for the spring will always help your spring garden flourish!

Happy Fall!

Thanks For Reading!
Christina Allis
Sawyer Home & Garden Center
[email protected]