What's Fresh, What's Good, What's Hot!

What’s Fresh, What’s Good, What’s Hot!
The Fresh Produce Update – Friday 02.26.16
from Sawyer Home and Garden Center

**All of these exciting fruits will be available for purchase on Friday 02.26.16, we can hardly wait!**

Gold Nugget Mandarins are here!

An amazingly sweet and seedless citrus fruit named for its bumpy bright orange skin. These little nuggets are packed with a rich, sweet and full bodied taste and are mega juicy!   

Beat The Chilly Winter Weather with Soft Fruit from Chile!

Cold and blustery winter weather here in the northern hemisphere only means one thing... SUMMER in the southern hemisphere!  We’ve been enjoying soft fruit from Chile for the past few weeks.  Although nothing beats soft fruit from Michigan, there's a glimmer of hope of making it out of the cold dreary winter with a smile on our faces, and juice dripping from our chins!  We currently have Nectarines, Peaches, Red, Black, and Lemon Drop Plums!

Florida Strawberries taste amazing!

If you thought the only good things out of Florida were citrus, cartoon characters and 4:30pm dinner buffets, you were wrong!  We look forward to these BOLD red, sweet and JUICY strawberries all year long! (Except Michigan season)  You can tell there are good things ahead when you look at them and see their bold red color, and BOY do they deliver.  Enjoy them now, while the season lasts!

Recipes that look amazing this week!

Asparagus Soup from Saveur Magazine!

Cheesy Cauliflower Pasta from Bon Appetit

Gunshow Kung Pao Brussels Sprouts from Bon Appetit

Publican Chicken from New York Times

Publican Ribollita With Italian Sausage from Bon Appetit

Chocolate Avocado Pudding from Bon Appetit

Old Fashioned Blueberry Coffee Cake from Bon Appetit  

What recipes have you been enjoying this winter?

Share them with us at the email address below………….

Questions, comments or concerns about cooking or produce?

Email me at [email protected]